Potato Sandwich Ingredients: To be maxed into a stuffing: Boiled and mashed potato (2 cup) Chopped onion (1/2 cup) Chopped coriander (1/4 cup) Chopped green chili (1 tsp) Red bell pepper (3 tsp) Chaat masala (1 tsp) Red chili powder (1/3 tsp) Black pepper (1/3 tsp) Mango powder (1/3 tsp) Lemon juice (1 tsp) Salt to taste Slice cheese (3 pieces) Other ingredients: Slice bread (6 pieces) Green chutney ( 4 tsp), ( take coriander, mint, and green chili in a mixer grinder and make a paste by adding small amount of water) Tomato ketchup (4 tsp) Butter (6 tsp, spreading and brushing) How To Make The Recipe Preparation: Trim all sides of the bread slices Take boiled potato, onion, c hopped coriander, c hopped green chili, red bell pepper, c haat masala, black pepper, r ed chili powder, l emon juice, salt in a bowl and mix them very well Spread the green paste on one s...